
Client Reviews on Winter Services, Inc.

    • 3.0
  • 10 Reviews

Most helpful positive review

0 people found the following review helpful

By Lonnie Nash Oct 08, 2019


Most helpful critical review

0 people found the following review helpful

By Michael Stevenson Oct 08, 2019



The best in the business




It blows my mind that this company is still in business. We have come across many property owners that have also contracted winter services for snow, all with the same result. "Over Promise and under deliver" while charging the customer a fortune plus hidden costs. We are obviously not the only ones who have had these issues given their reviews on google and other sites....We had several snow storms last winter where winter services simply just did not show up at all! A good friend of mine has a vacant property in Racine and winter services did not take care of their lot for almost a month and a half straight and was billing them for service!!!!They dropped the ball last winter on a major night for us when we were having a company party and a snow storm hit. We called to request service, said they would send crews out. It was not until well after the storm was over that our property was plowed and sidewalks done. How embarrassed and humiliated did we look paying such a premium dollar for "the best" service in front of our customers and employees families. We have heard that winter services does not do most of their own work. THEY SUBCONTRACT IT OUT! Then make their money on over salting and billing with questionable methods....Beware!


One of the best summer Jobs to have


This company will put the safety of your employees, Customers, and the General Public at risk. The people who work for them seem to care, but after discussing the problems with them, their frustrations with their Mgmt. is obvious. They feel helpless to resolve their issues with them.This company is all talk and literally no show or too late showing most of the time. I would like to see how many times they are dragged into court for their inconsistent service. Our company has suffered in keeping schedules because of them. They also have hit our railings and bent them over.


Great company!


This place has poor customer service. Every time it’s snowed I’ve had to call them to remind them to come plow our property. Not once have they ever completed the job. The management team does not reply and when asked to come meet with us we get the answer there to busy. I do not recommend this company. I don’t know how there in business. They also outsource the work so no one knows what there doing. It’s now February and they still haven’t put any boundaries to show the drivers where to plow. We’ve been charged detention fees for not being able to unload and load customer trucks in a timely fashion. Winter services has also cause damage to our fences and there management team hasn’t come out to take care of it. Horrible company!!!


Multiple times this winter they have neglected to shovel our sidewalk. Multiple people have called and they cannot figure out how to shovel the sidewalk in front of our condo after a snowfall. They shovel the driveway and courtyard, but don't shovel the sidewalks even though they are part of the contract and we've told them numerous times. I was shocked when I saw the positive reviews for them, as they are going downhill. This is for the East Town Condo Association in Milwaukee.


Horrible place to work for. They hired me under false pretenses. Told me they were a "family focussed company". I was hired with the agreement that when I had my boys every other weekend and we did NOT have a weather event, that I would not have to work those weekends. Then we were told the week before Christmas that we would not be able to go leave the area to spend time with family because of a weather event. I was ok with that! Then I was told that i needed to work that weekend before Christmas as well even though I had my kids and planned to do Christmas because I would not be around for actual Christmas. When I refused they fired me. Yes, fired me the week before Christmas because I had plans with my kids! No weather event that weekend either!! I would NOT suggest working for this company!


It’s a smooth job and good money for the winter months! Team leader after 1 day. 😁

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